Book history & print culture of Bengal

Mudrancarcā is a platform to celebrate the glorious history of Bengali publication culture. It is a galaxy of segments featuring the multifaceted nature of Bengali books, ranging from its aesthetic history, materiality, and metamorphosis of production. Here, we organise multiple events addressing various aspects of Bengali publication, thereby facilitating a healthy ecosystem to appreciate Indian regional print culture.

We primarily maintain a digital archive, a repository of rare Bengali books. Researchers or any interested person can use the available images from the Archive with due credit to the source. If they require more photos from a specific book with higher printable resolution (300 DPI or more), they should contact us in the email ID (from the Contact section), clearly stating the specificity of the images and purpose.

Apart from the Archive, we host multiple events related to Bengali book culture and print history, like exhibitions, webinars, discussion sessions, documentary films, and so on. This platform is designed as a part of the Project titled ‘Bangla Shilpoboi o tar Mudran-Sanskriti’, coordinated by Aranya Sengupta, under the 'Arts Practice' programme supported by India Foundation for the Arts (IFA), with support from Sony Pictures Entertainment Fund.